In August 2003 over 400 researchers in the field of science education from all over the world met at the 4th ESERA conference in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. During the conference 300 papers about actual issues in the field, such as the learning of scientific concepts and skills, scientific literacy, informal science learning, science teacher education, modeling in science education were p…
Teachers will find this book helpful because of it locates convincing theoretical reasoning with the familiar practice of the learning environments of the secondary school. Many other learners, in formal education and beyond, might simply find the book an informative and challenging read.... The book provides more than a theoretical and ideological extension of a social constructivist of model …
Implementasi kurikulum 2013 membutuhkan perubahan paradigma pembelajaran dari pembelajaran konvensional yang hanya dilakukan di kelas, menjadi pembelajaran yang mengaktifkan siswa untuk menggunakan aneka sumber belajar yang dapat diperoleh di luar kelas. Buku ini menjelaskan tentang pembelajaran saintifik yang seharusnya digunakan dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 yang mencakup lima aktivitas b…
HOW USEFUL IS MODERN TECHNOLOGY TO DISTANCE EDUCATION? This is a valuable guide to the selection and USE of modern technol-ogies for open and flexible learning. In it. Tony Bates argues that technology is not inherently good or bad for teaching - its the way teachers and administrators USE it that matters. Knowing when or if to USE technology is not just a technical iSSUE of choosing thE appr…
The purpose of this book is to provide hi ehl■ `_rounded res sed ways for those wanting to change problem-based learning modules and pro-grammes from face-to-face to online approaches. It will also be useful for those who have developed e-learning components and who want to adopt problem-based methods. Using electronic means to deploy problem-based learning within higher education is an area …
This book outlines approaches to networked e-learning course design that are underpinned by a belief that students learn best in these contexts when they are organized in groups and communities. As such, the book is one of the first to provide a detailed analysis of what goes on in e-learning groups and communities. But how do students react to working in e-learning groups and communities? Wh…
Teknologi internet yang berkembang pesat saat ini telah mengubah cara pembelajaran yang ada menjadi pembelajaran online (berbasis web) atau dikenal dengan istilah e-Learning. Perkembangan e-Learning tidak hanya terjadi di dunia pendidikan saja namun juga perusahaan-perusahaan sudah menggunakannya sebagai wahana sharing pengetahuan, sehingga transfer pengetahuan dapat terjadi dengan sangat cepat…