The purpose of this book is to provide hi ehl■ `_rounded res sed ways for those wanting to change problem-based learning modules and pro-grammes from face-to-face to online approaches. It will also be useful for those who have developed e-learning components and who want to adopt problem-based methods. Using electronic means to deploy problem-based learning within higher education is an area …
This book outlines approaches to networked e-learning course design that are underpinned by a belief that students learn best in these contexts when they are organized in groups and communities. As such, the book is one of the first to provide a detailed analysis of what goes on in e-learning groups and communities. But how do students react to working in e-learning groups and communities? Wh…
Teknologi internet yang berkembang pesat saat ini telah mengubah cara pembelajaran yang ada menjadi pembelajaran online (berbasis web) atau dikenal dengan istilah e-Learning. Perkembangan e-Learning tidak hanya terjadi di dunia pendidikan saja namun juga perusahaan-perusahaan sudah menggunakannya sebagai wahana sharing pengetahuan, sehingga transfer pengetahuan dapat terjadi dengan sangat cepat…