A survey of research in science education, compiled by researchers in this field. The handbook explores a wide spectrum of areas crucial to science education. Part I covers science teacher education, instructional strategies and laboratory instruction. Part II examines the epistemological foundations of cognition, alternative concepts in science and the effective dimension of learning. Part III…
Develops statistical concepts, understanding of statistical logic, properties regarding statistical devices, assumptions underlying statistical tools and considers what happens when statistical theory meets real-world problems. Emphasizes the statistics of measurement and the interplay of statistics with experimental design, giving full treatment to both inferential and descriptive statistics. …
This 1991 yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education includes articles by various writers. Sample articles are Professional Standards and Ethics for Evaluators, and Cost-Effectiveness at Quarter-Century.
Buku yang singkat dan padat ini dimaksudkan member gambaran yang utuh dan mendalam tentang landasan teoritik mekanika. Buku ini disusun dari catatan-catatan kuliah selama bertahun-tahun, yakni lebih dari 201 tahun, penulis member kuliah di jurusan fisika fakultas matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam universitas gadjah mada. Buku ini mengutamakan aspek ke-azas-an daripada teknik-an dan am…