Laporan Penelitian dan Disertasi : Developing Reflective Practive THrough Reflective Actions
The overall objective of this research was to understand Indonesian teachers' applications of reflection in their daily practice by examining their reflective actions it r.....3non to the Teacher Competency Standards. This qualitative case study included owe pLases. The first phase involved three purposefully selected experienced teachers ft game the range of teacher understandings of reflective practice. The second phase, mmehing eight experienced teachers, was designed to investigate their understandings and develop a model of reflection suitable for Indonesian teachers.
Ridings from the first phase of the study showed that these teachers applied reflection but did not engage with it regularly and systematically. The research showed that teachers' understandings of reflection were limited to reflection before closing the lesson and teachers emphasized students' reflection on the lesson rather than their own reflection on their teaching practice. Intuitively, teachers did reflect on their practice but they did so informally by thinking back on their teaching methods and strategies based on students' test results. Further, teachers' understanding on the Teacher Competency Standards was limited, especially on dimensions that focused on the Ong of reflection. Their understanding mostly was on how to prepare, deliver and craicate certain lessons.
Reid on the main study findings, by engaging in conversations about their coperienoz& the teachers began to understand how to do reflection and realised that arileC21-012 is not only about students' understanding but also involves teachers assi,line their own practice to solve learning problems that occurred. The most powerful action was reflective conversations during which teachers shared experiences steel teaching, practice. Teachers were encouraged or motivated to explain their own eiriences to others and could reflect on those following exploration and nom-o. gation by the researcher. The second powerful action was videotaping of lessons wipe teachers were able to reflect on their own recordings and identify their own imiamses A third powerful action was writing journals though this was not a immabie action due to the tight teaching schedule; nevertheless, these teachers adoitâ– ed that writing their own experiences was fun and made them consider their ideas and expressions. The most important aspect of each of these actions was that they engaged the teachers in dialogue such that they expressed their feelings and gained benefit from their reflections on their experiences to improve their teaching practice.
The model of reflective practice by Zwozdiak-Myers was evaluated in Phase 1 with three teachers. Based on the research findings in Phase 1, six dimensions were chosen as being most useful. Based on this research, it is evident that systematically organised reflective actions can develop teachers' awareness, understanding and habit of engagement in reflective practice. The reflective actions then become a model of reflective practice for Indonesian teachers. This model was supported by the framework of reflective practice which provides six dimensions to question teachers about their reflection in daily practice. This model supports teachers' systematic reflection that helps them improve their practice.
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