Thecnology Strategies for Music Education
In the surnmer of 1995, Three teachers met to discuss the organization ot music technology courses as they they related to experienced and inexperienced teachers. The teachers were John Dunphy and George
Pinchock Villanova University and Tom Rudolph. noted author and clinician. The outcome was the creation of several new technology courses and a heightened interest in developing course at offerings at various skill levels. Manv subjects, including technology. need to taught in sequence to maxirnize learning.
First, there was a need to codify technology into a cohesive set of standards. Next. a certification process was explored to recognize the achievement of in-service music teachers in music technology. Finally. it became clear that there was a need for a new organization. national in scope and focused on the subject of teacher training in technology. The creation of new professional organization would require funds. Enter the International Asociation of Electrronic Keyboard Manufacturers (IAEKM) who asked the International Music Products Association (NAMM) for a grant to make TI:ME reality. NAMM's positiive response enabled TI:ME to move quickly to establish a National Advisory Board. This board met in October of 1996, setting in motion the tasks that led to the creation of website, publication of a booklet of standards and a quarterly newsletter, chriteria for membership, and the development of a conmprehensive curriculum for in-.service teacher training in music technology.
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