Pendidikan kontekstual (contextual teaching and learning) merupakan wujud paradigma baru pembelajaran. Realitas di lapangan menunjukkan terdapatnya kendala terkait pemahaman dan kemampuan praktisi guru dalam mengembangkan materi, metode, media, sumber, dan evaluasi secara kontekstual.
Math Insights (Special/Express) is a series of full-colour textbooks written based on the latest '0' Level Mathematics Syllabus issued by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. lt adopts a holistic approach to build up students' confidence and competence in secondary mathematics. Math Insights also fosters active and independent learning through real-life contexts and activities in discovering…
Pada zaman dahulu kala, di bumi ini pernah hidup hewan bertubuh raksasa yang diberi nama dinosaurus. Berbagai jenis dinosaurus darat. udara, dan air hidup secara berdampingan. Hingga kini kepunahan dinosaurus masih menjadi misteri karena belum ada penemuan terbaru bagaimana akhirnya binatang bertubuh besar itu bisa punah. Dinosaurus memiliki setidaknya lebih dari 1.500 spesies dan sejauh ini ya…
The New Science Discovery PracticalWolkbooks are based on the latest syllabus for lower secondary science issued by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. They complement the New Science Discovery Textbooks. The practical workbooks aim to develop key inquiry skills necessary for scientific exploration and investigation. Practical skills are introduced progressively and systematically. Investig…
For Lower Secondary Volume 2nd Edition The New Science Discovery Textbooks are based on the latest syllabus for lower secondary science issued by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. The textbooks aim to instil in students a solid foundation in science and to encourage them to develop the spirit of inquiry. They emphasise the development of relevant scientific process skills in addition to the…
New SvIlabus Mithematic, is a series of 4 textbooks written for secondary school students with the ultimate aim to prepare them for the GCE "0" level mathematics examination.The series covers the MOE Syllabus for Secondary Mathematics implemented from 2007.
New Syllabus Mathematics is a series of four textbooks specially written for secondary students with the ultimate aim for the GCE O Level examination. This series is completely in line with the 2007 syllabus.Exploration activities to promote applications in inter-disciplinary and real lifeReal-life photos at the chapter beginning to provide a thought-provoking introductionGraded exercises and c…
Jika ada yang bertanya fentang kisah manusia purba di Indonesia. nama Sangiran akan muncul dan mengeruak ke permukaan. Sangiran adalah situs manusia purba terbesar di Indonesia yang kaya +emuan fosil dan artefak purba. Jejak manusia, fauna, dari lingkungan purba tersimpan erat di Bumi Sangiran. Buku Sangiran Jejak Mahusia Purba di Indonesia ini akan membawa kita mengehal dan belajar kisah ten…
Terletak di rangkaian "cincin api" dan pertemuan lempeng tektonik, Kepulauan Nusantara ternyata telah mendapat anugerah tersendiri dengan kesuburan tanahnya sejak dulu sekali, sehingga menjadi salah satu daya tarik manusia untuk tinggal di dalamnya. Endapan-endapan volkanik purbanya merupakan saksi kehidupan manusia di masa silam, yang oleh waktu dan kekuatan geologis, bukti-bukti kehidupan itu…